If you are one of the thousands Americans who are facing potential lawsuits from creditors, don't be a sitting duck and learn how to fight a credit card lawsuit the right way. The fact is, many creditors expect their customers to not know any better. If you know how to fight a credit card lawsuit and you show them that you will not take the lawsuit sitting down, you just might have the lawsuit dropped in an instant.
On the other hand, if the lawsuit pushes through and you are in the phase where you need to respond to a collection agency's Interrogatories, then you still need to get as much information as you possibly can about how to fight a credit card lawsuit.
Here's how the Interrogatories phase will play out:
You will receive a set of questions from the plaintiff regarding your Personal information like your name, address, social security number, bank information and in some cases, employment questions. You need to respond to each and every question or object to certain questions. If you object to a certain question, make sure to provide grounds for your objection. For other questions, you need to provide a short, concise response.
It's important to object to certain answers that require divulging certain information you shouldn't divulge such as your Social Security Number. Here's a simple text format to object to this particular question:
Defendant objects to giving out his Social Security Number on the grounds that it [insert the grounds for your objection]. The defendant Answers that his or her full name is [insert your full name].
One of the most important factors to remember when learning how to fight a credit card lawsuit is to define the grounds as to why you are objecting to a certain Interrogatories question, particularly those that require giving out sensitive information. It's never a good idea to randomly object to all interrogatories questions without giving a clear answer why.
However, do remember that the plaintiff will likely present several trick questions to get you to admit that you own the debt in dispute and you did not pay for the debt. So if you can, you can either seek the help of a lawyer to guide you through the interrogatories state or in case you are representing yourself Pro Se, always read, re-read, understand each question and answer it with caution. In addition, a little researching will go a long way.