When combating acne and the effects that it can have on your life, there are dozens of products out there that you can purchase. Sometimes the best approach, however, is to look at foundational things first. What habits do you have that may be contributing to the problem of acne, and what can you do to change those patterns? Read on for some simple ways to develop good habits that will aid in achieving healthy, blemish-free skin.
Water is nature's gift to the world, and human consumption of it can create the conditions that lead to a healthy life in many ways. This includes healthy skin that is free from toxins that lead to acne. Your system will accumulate toxins from many sources, including environmental factors and poor eating choices. These toxins can keep your liver and kidneys from performing adequately, slowing down their ability to eliminate these toxins from your body. Pores can become clogged, leading to infection and blemishes on your skin. This means acne. Drink at least eight glasses of water per day to help flush out toxins and to keep your system hydrated. Your skin will benefit in a huge way, as will your entire body.
Pillowcases accumulate dirt, oils from your face and hair, dust and a host of other things in the environment. It is easy to overlook this as a source of acne, but think about it. You sleep on the same pillowcase night after night, so if it is not washed frequently, you are placing your clean skin down on an accumulation of dirt and oil. Since you have likely just washed your face, the pores can be soft and open, which is even more inviting to all those pollutants that want to enter. Wash your pillowcase every other day, and try adding a couple of drops of tea tree oil to the water. It contains natural antibacterial properties and can discourage the development of infections that lead to acne.
You hair is the closest thing to your face, making it a prime source of contaminants that can contribute to acne. From chemically-laden hair products that you may use, to natural oils and accumulated dirt, what is resting on your hair follicles can easily be transported to your facial skin. Always keep your hair as clean as possible, or attempt to wear it pulled back away from your face. Use shampoos, hairsprays and gels that contain natural products, even ones that promote healing such as aloe vera and tea tree oil.
Wearing makeup is a given for most women these days, but it is one of the worst things you can do for your skin. Makeup, particularly foundation and powders that cover your entire face, block fresh air and vitamin D from the sun, denying your skin the natural elements that keep it fresh and young. In addition, it blocks the pores and leads to an accumulation of toxins that are not allowed to escape. Refrain from wearing makeup every chance that you get, even if it is just for a few hours at a time. When it seems necessary to wear cosmetics, apply as sparingly as possible. Try just some light color on your cheeks, rather than covering the entire face. In the summer months, go without. In the very least, be sure to remove all makeup at night before you sleep, and use natural removal products with healing ingredients.
Take some of the information here and apply it to your life, in order to effectively combat acne problems. Sometimes, the best treatment is prevention, and developing good habits is the natural way to begin.