"Wellness Matters" By Lisa Schilling
Today, more than ever before, you have unlimited options on which you could spend your time. There are many things you COULD do to become healthy and fit. However, that is part of the problem. There are so many things that you COULD do that it becomes overwhelming and often confusing. The way the mind works, is that under the pressure of multiple confusing options, people often choose...not to choose. Have you ever experienced this? It is simply easier to do nothing, than it is to make what you consider a complicated or difficult choice. Even, when you know that it would benefit you to do so.
This old mindset will work to sabotage your efforts to live a healthier lifestyle. Distorted thinking can and will affect every aspect of life. It is an underlying problem that many people face. The real battlefield for your health, is in your mind. If someone is committed to changing their health, fitness or weight, they MUST be committed to change how they think. Attempting to change behavior without changing your mind will cause struggle and eventually you will revert back to the pattern that is supported by your thinking.
Whatever you think about, your mind will work to make happen. Think you can never lose that belly? Your mind will help ensure that for you. It is simply the principal of increased awareness. For example: You may never even think about eating a hot fudge sundae, until I tell you can't eat one. Suddenly it is all you can think about. Your awareness of hot fudge sundaes has increased exponentially! The mind has a negative bias, it does not register the negative of don't, stop, can't, avoid, stay away from...it only registers the thing you put after it, and it will successfully draw those things to your attention.
You never notice how many red cars are on the road, until you buy yours and suddenly they are everywhere. Are there more red cars now? No, but you have increased your awareness of them and your mind will direct your attention to them. Now tell yourself: don't think of a purple cow. No matter how you try, that purple cow picture just flashed in your mind. Even though you were telling your mind not to think about it, the increased awareness plants it squarely in your thoughts. But remember what works in the negative, also works in the positive.
Thought shifting works by taking an old negative way at looking something and reframes it a more positive light. This can help you shift your attitude and feed the outcome you desire. Instead of thinking of how much you dislike exercise, you CHOOSE to reframe that thought by FOCUSING on the desired outcome of that situation. By thinking about the benefit, you can actually enjoy the means to that end. Instead of thinking of the exercise (a negative association) you can choose to think of the feeling that comes with meeting that goal.
When you recognize those old thought patterns creeping in... you can stop them...and shift them. Recognize, Stop & Shift. The old "I hate to exercise," becomes a realistic thought of, "I know I feel good when I finish exercising." What you say when you talk to yourself is so important and we all talk to ourselves. It's that little voice in your head that holds a running dialogue of your thoughts.
This kind of thought shifting activates ENABLED thinking and deactivates LIMITED thinking. This is at the heart of what holds most people back who struggle in the area of health and fitness. Consider this: What you feed grows and what you starve dies.
You need to start starving those thoughts of dread or lack and start feeding those thoughts of success. By focusing on what you want, versus what you don't want, you will grow the behaviors you are trying to attract, and eliminate the ones you don't want. No thought energy = no growth. So you must be so cautious what you allow your mind to dwell on.
Thought shifting and reframing becomes a way of life. Now don't get me wrong. Many people hear this and assume that if you just think and say different thoughts, that you will magically see changes. It doesn't work that way, especially if you don't really mean what you are affirming. There is no magic in saying you love to exercise, when in reality you hate it. The only magic lies in the consistent use of this technique. Thought shifting is just that, you are SHIFTING to a NEW way of looking at the OLD situation. By seeing things from a different perspective you reframe the way you CHOOSE to look at something. The choice you make will affect the outcome you get.
"Wellness Matters" Article Series by Lisa Schilling RN, CPT Speaker, Writer, Wellness Coach & Consultant
Lisa Schilling is the author of "The Get REAL Guide to Health and Fitness-FIVE STEPS to Create Your Own Personal Wellness Plan" She juggles life as a doting wife and the mother of three boys, who keep her feet firmly planted on the ground!
Lisa is a Registered Nurse, author and recovering pageant queen, who spreads hope with her Get REAL approach to wellness. She empowers women, caregivers and groups to unleash their fullest potential by helping them to see their true beauty and discover their REAL value.
She feels passionate about spreading this message of hope and acceptance to help others be PROactive about their health and not simply REactive. Lisa uses her enthusiasm to inspire people to value and appreciate who they are. She helps people build a bridge from where they are, to where they want to be.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7002276