We all know that our planet is unique in that it is rich in the life-giving elixir of life itself - WATER. Even the worst quack doctor in the world will probably tell you to drink more water, as it can help you to live a much healthier life.
But there's more to water than just taking in more of it. Hexagonal water, in fact, has been shown to be much better for your overall health, than simply consuming mass quantities of just any old type of water.
What is Hexagonal Water?
Without getting too weighed down with scientific jargon, hexagonal water can be understood best in simple terms. You already know that water is formed by two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom bound together. That's where we get the famous H2O equation.
Simply put, though, water that is hexagonal contains smaller molecule clusters than other types of water. Tap water, one of the most massively consumed forms of water on the planet, does contain some hexagonal molecules, but not enough to do much good.
Why it Matters
"So what?", many people think. Why does the smaller molecule size matter? Well, the body absorbs water to make use of it. The smaller molecule clusters found in hexagonal water allows your body to more readily absorb and make use of this type of water.
Improved absorption results in superior levels of hydration, better cellular health and an improved filtering process to usher out harmful toxins from the body.
Where to Get Yours
The question is clearly not why to drink more hexagonal water, but where you can get this life-giving liquid. Most of the world's supply lies in life-giving, healing springs. The springs in Lourdes, France are perhaps the world's most famous healing springs in all the world. But there are other springs around the planet.
Water Matters Most
In terms of your physical health, few things matter as much as water. We have an ancient, ingrained knowledge of how important water is, literally etched into our collective consciousness. Why else would so much great art be focused on the majesty of the world's water supply? And one only needs to spend some time near a large body of natural water to feel more energized and inspired.
One of my favorite quotes about water is from the late philosopher and movie star, Bruce Lee.
Lee said:
"Don't get set into one form, adapt it and build your own, and let it grow, be like water. Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend."
Yes, my friends, we should all seek to be water. And while we're at it, let's try to make as much of the water that we consume pure, life-giving, health-promoting hexagonal water.