Avoiding the big questions about your life and your business is really easy. Avoiding the big questions leads to very temporary happiness. Complacency will not help us reach our ideal goals.
So tackle the big questions. Ask yourself questions like these: How are you going to take the vacation you always wanted? How will you reach your ideal weight? How will you finance your retirement or your kid's education? When will you do some of the things you have always dreamed of doing? What problems can you solve for others that will result in financial windfalls for you? What problems or developments do you see or worry about in the future? How can you profit or prepare? How can you greatly improve your niche or improve a problematic business you have contact with?
Isolating yourself from losers and really thinking about questions like these can be profitable. The masses will usually avoid the big questions. The masses may not care if the scam is what's legal. Micromanagers aboard ships (businesses) like the Titanic will continue to talk about stuff on TV, puff themselves up, lose money and micromanage until the inevitable happens.
But this isn't for us. We look for solutions to the problems that face us. We are impervious to the negativity and hypocrisy we get from the foxes that rule the chicken coop. Instead, we will attempt to find solutions. We learn everything we have to learn. We do all the necessary grunt work. We then decisively organize our lives around reaching our lofty goals. We go for it. We scrape the barnacles off our ships and remain on course.
Napoleon Hill warned us about worrying what "they" say. Just assume for now that the "they" are losers. You have heard countless times that people bring each other down. Laggards value "safety" and complacency. Don't let the foxes convince you that people have completely quit bring each other down.
Be unreasonable and follow your bliss. Be decisive. Tell yourself fear is an illusion.
One famous guru says, "If you want to get ricer quicker, solve bigger problems. This is the mindset to have. Every business you see has solved a problem and gotten paid for it. If you want to start a business, this is what you do. Consumers, governments, and businesses all have problems. Your job is to provide the products or services that these people need and do it better and at a better price than anyone else.
From time to time, you will encounter dolts, political, religious, and social hypocrites and other people trying to get you to abandon your goals. Remember the psychotic micromanaging game player at the grocery store or the office that really gets nasty. Those people will pop up from time to time. Be wary, but do not fear them. Insulate yourself against them with cash (for a lawyer), burglar alarms, a good cushion of savings, and be sure your friends are really your friends. Don't let these trolls confuse you. Stand up for yourself when they knife you.
I realize this is impolite talk. But it's reality.
Start asking the questions you must. Begin your planning. Be decisive and take action. Find advisors who are competent. Don't make excuses. Get busy.