Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How Eye Diseases Like Glaucoma are Treated

There are a number of serious eye conditions that if left untreated can lead to partial or even complete blindness. Although the conditions are serious there are a number of effective treatments available that can cure the problem and prevent eye sight from becoming any worse. This article acts as a guide to some of the most common eye diseases and how they can be treated effectively.


When fluid within the eye has its movement restricted, pressure builds up. This is known as glaucoma. When the pressure continues to build eyesight becomes affected and double vision can occur. Although it builds up slowly, glaucoma is a serious condition and once it has taken a person's eyesight, it can never be restored. There are some very effective treatments available however to prevent this from happening. The severity of the condition in a patient will determine what the best course of action is. Some patients need nothing more than a course of eye drops to unblock the passages in the eye to once again let the fluid flow. Other patients may be more suited to conventional glaucoma surgery whilst others would benefit most from glaucoma laser eye surgery. With technological advancements in the eye care industry, no matter what treatment is carried out you can be sure the glaucoma is effectively treated.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes sufferers are at risk of developing diabetic retinopathy which affects the blood vessels in the retina and causes them to weaken. Weakened vessel walls cause small haemorrhages. Over time these can cause severe sight loss if the condition is not treated. There are tests that can be carried out to screen for this condition and if caught early then successful treatment is likely. A form of vision correction surgery can be administered to remove fluid that is lodged in the retina and there are other treatments such as steroid treatments that can work well too. The type of treatment needed will depend on the individual patient and at what stage their condition has progressed to. For the most serious cases of all there is vitrectomy surgery available that removes fluid and prevents the blood vessels from weakening or developing abnormally again.

Macular Degeneration

Age related macular degeneration can be very damaging to eyesight and is in fact the most common cause of loss of sight in those over 50. Sometimes the central part of the retina can break down and when left to do so can lead to complete blindness. Dry age related macular degeneration is the most common and occurs slowly over time. Wet age related macular degeneration is much rarer and is caused by abnormal blood vessels growing and then leaking.

Those with the more common dry related condition can help reduce the onset of the condition by making some healthy lifestyle changes. Giving up smoking, controlling the diet and wearing sunglasses when outside can all help slow the condition down. Wet related AMD is treated with a course of anti vascular endothelial growth factor or VEGF drugs. These drugs stop the abnormal blood vessels from growing without the need for surgery.

Eye diseases can be extremely severe and if no treatment is given they can cause a person to lose their sight. The treatments available are extremely effective however and can ensure that any disease is prevented from worsening. There is no doubt however that the conditions need to be diagnosed as early as possible to guarantee the best results. Anyone over the age of 50 should regularly undergo eye tests so that any symptoms can be picked up on and necessary screening tests can be carried out.

The most common eye diseases are glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and AMD. There are a whole range of treatments available to treat them. These include laser eye surgery, eye drops and various drug treatments too. There are other eye conditions however that can also cause day to day problems that need treatment. Cataracts for example are not life threatening but they can cause eyesight to become very bad and day to day activities to become

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