Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tax Season is here, know your dates!

Tax season is here! In just a few more days the IRS will begin accepting your tax return filings. So here are the most important dates this tax season. Later on we'll tell you what you can do to get ahead of the rush and how to rapidly submit all necessary documents to maximize your refund.

January 1st: Tax season officially begins! This is the time to gather your documents and basically make sure you have everything you need at hand.

January 17th: The IRS starts accepting e-files. This is also the time to pay your forth quarter estimated tax. However, if you file this and pay your balance in full by January 31st, you won't get any penalties.

January 31st: Last day for your employer to provide your W-2 form. It's also the deadline for the 1099 Form. You need to file this for specific incomes, non-employee related: bank dividends, interest etc.

February 15th: By this time, if you claimed exemption from income tax withholding, you must file a new W-4 Form with your employer.

March 1st: Farmers and fishermen who have a balance due on their taxes have a deadline to file their individual tax return. This is also the deadline for paying the due balance without any penalties.

April 17th: By this time you have to file all your individual tax returns. If you haven't found the time to get all your papers in order, you can file for an automatic 6 month extension (Form 4868). Payment of the tax is still due this day. You can pay this while you file for an extension.

June 15th: The date marks the deadline for US citizens living abroad to submit their individual tax returns and pay any tax due. They can also post for a 4 month extension, same as citizens living in the U.S.

September 17th: Time to pay your 3rd quarter estimated taxes for 2012.

October 3rd: Marks the deadline for the self-employed or employers to establish a simple IRA.

October 15th: If you've asked for an extension with the 4868 Form, you've finally reached your deadline. Last chance to file those individual tax returns.

So this is it folks! Start gathering those papers, because the deadlines are approaching. Contact your accountant or us at and get things moving!

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