Firstly, make sure that the video used in the desktop video conference is high definition quality or HD video. Since HD quality offers much brighter visual and crisper video picture, it gives the feel of actual conference room. HD quality video does not get fuzzy or lose out on the color, thus presents a more vivid look.
Secondly, you need to pay attention to the audio and how it is being handled. In desktop video conference, the audio can either be installed in the desktop service you can dial into a separate conference bridge. Both of these solutions are useful. Voice over Internet protocol (VOIP) audio is a good feature to have on video conference and the audio quality is better when a smal group of conferees are on call. But, when more conferees join in, there are chances of slowing down of the internet connections increase, leading to disruption in the voice and jitter on audio part. On the contrary, the best quality audio can be achieved using conference bridge audio, even if a large number of participants join the conference. A conference call with one hundred or more conferees can be handled with the use of conference bridge.
The next feature that demands attention in desktop video conference is the web conferencing tools. One of the most common web conferencing tools is PowerPoint slide presentations. There should be a link to enable PowerPoint slides which is to be uploaded and stored in the cloud for current and future use. Next important thing is desktop sharing which needs to be included. Desktop sharing feature facilitate real time sharing of the files stored on your desktop with the other conferees, when the conference is live. The shared document can be changed by the conferees and modifications can be made. Annotation tools should be there for marking up contracts and documents. Furthermore, a live chat feature needs to be included to facilitate private chatting with individual conferees or with a specific group.
There are many companies which offer support to the businesses offering web conferencing, video conferencing and teleconferencing solutions at economic prices. You would require the service of a video conference company when you look for conference co-coordinators or operator assisted conferencing. A video conference company should provide the necessary tools and support to match your requirements in the best way.
With the assistance of a video conference company, you can conduct conference calls without making reservation or using an operator. This means all the conferees simply need to dial a toll or toll free number and enter their pass-codes when prompted by the system. These companies also offer operator assisted conferencing wherein a facilitator joins all the conferees in to the conference and performs a gamut of functions such as call reservation, polling, question answer session, translation, recording the entire the conference and providing the recorded document to the host etc. These service charges of the companies are priced on flat rate, usage basis as well as based upon the conferencing solution you are availing.
There are many desktop video conference services available and you need to choose one with due diligence, after ensuring that all the features outlined above are present in the service you are selecting and satiating your need to the best.