Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How to Use Viral Marketing

For many companies, it is important to stay current and ahead of the curve when it comes to the approach used for a marketing plan. Often, it can be hard to get people on board with new ideas that can seem to be different or somewhat risky. However with some forward thinking, research and effort, it is possible to find great success in new marketing concepts, such as Viral Marketing. While this is a somewhat new approach to marketing, it has produced some desirable results for companies who use it properly. So, what is Viral Marketing? At its core, it is an idea that becomes popular and quickly spreads, much like a virus. However, the difference is that while this idea is spreading it is also helps to marketing a business or other message or even a charitable cause. In essence, it is creating a popular trend that quickly spreads—and primarily online or on the Internet.

There are actually two types of Viral Marketing out there today. The first type is the most common and original form where the marketing is actually the product itself. This allows for a constant movement that creates a cycle that grows more and more intense as time passes. Examples of this certain type of Viral Marketing include websites and products like YouTube or even an e-mail service like Hotmail. In this type, the more these products or sites are used, the more visible they become to the general public. The more they are viewed, the more they are then used. This creates a positive cycle that only grows as time goes on. The second type is a campaign that quickly spreads to the masses but is not the product itself. Rather, it is an image or item that reminds people of the product. The poster of Barack Obama created by Shepard Fairey is a good example of this type; the poster quickly spread and became highly visible in a short amount of time. It spread quickly and marketed a specific candidate for office.

It can be tempting to create a viral advertisement and hope it spreads, but rather the focus should be on creating a strong strategy to build a viral element into the product itself to make sure it spreads because of the overall design. It is important to plan ahead and create interesting content instead.

There are many opportunities out there today for individuals looking to expand on their marketing program. For those who are interested in this opportunity, following these steps can lead to great success with Viral Marketing

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