Pollution is generally classified into three main types. Those types include land, water and air pollutions. All three are equally destructive to our planet in their own way. It is thus our moral obligation to do as much as we can, in our power to curb down these pollutants. When we get specifically into pollution caused by land we know it can throw at us various problems such as diseases, increased deaths and various other human health concerns. But what relatively only a fraction of us know is what exactly causes land pollution and what are its effects on our society.
Some of the causes are of this pollution type are as follows. One of the main reasons for such pollution is something that everybody suspects, Industries. They let out chemical spills and toxic acids; they perform open cast mining and many such activities that are detrimental to our planet. Other than that, growing population sizes too are a major problem. The reason behind this being, the more the population increases, the more space you need for them to live. Hence more stress on agricultural demand. But to compensate for people living and expanding their cities and towns, they build their house over agricultural land and forest land where the tress and land is exploited to the fullest.
In the domino effect of growing population, the next immediate problem that arises is due to increased domestic wastes. This creates a lot of stress on the land when more and more garbage is dumped into the earth. Giving you a perspective as to just how bad, each the amount of garbage is recorded in thousands of tons. Hence not considering how harmful it really is to the earth. And the last of the major reasons for this kind of pollution is the excessive use to pesticides. They pollute the soil considerably. Even factories responsible for disposing of nuclear wastes are greatly detrimental to the land.
Once you know the causes, the effects are bound to follow. In this case the effects are almost predictable. Because we cut off so many trees, it leads to deforestation and obviously loss of wildlife. If crops cannot grow well because the soil is infertile, it will lead to scarcity of food. Dirty places are the breeding ground for illnesses. Newborns are most vulnerable to these diseases.
As citizens of planet earth it is our responsibility to control land pollution and also other types equally.