When you are ending your marriage, it is natural to want the process to be over as quickly as possible. As such, many people seek a Florida quick divorce. Because divorce, or dissolution of marriage, is a legal process, it is not possible to end your marriage instantly. Instead, there are certain requirements you must fulfill. For example, in order to obtain a divorce in Florida, you must be a resident of the county where the divorce papers are filed and you must wait at least 20 days after the divorce papers are filed for your spouse to respond. However, even this 20-day period may be shortened if it is possible to prove that injustice will result from the delay.
Seeking a Florida Quick Divorce
While you may have to contend with a brief waiting period, a Florida quick divorce is a very real possibility as long as you and your spouse are in agreement that you want to end your marriage and as long as you agree on the terms of the divorce. Divorces where everyone agrees are referred to as "uncontested divorces" and they can be completed in a single meeting at court where the judge signs off on your settlement and pronounces your marriage over.
How to Get a Florida Quick Divorce
The key to a Florida quick divorce is that it is an uncontested divorce. When you don't need to litigate issues in front of a judge, you don't need to spend the time waiting for the court to make time on its busy docket to decide issues for you. You also don't need to spend the time uncovering information and evidence to use in the divorce or presenting a case before a judge.
This, of course, leads to the question of exactly how you should get your spouse to agree on all of the issues in the divorce. A Florida divorce attorney can help you to do this by making sure you and your spouse understand all of the issues that have to be decided and by helping you to negotiate on those issues. Your lawyer will explain what you are entitled to under the law so you'll have a better idea of what is fair, and your lawyer will also help you to make sure you negotiate a settlement fairly instead of getting hung up on anger or emotional responses.
Additional options such as collaborative divorce or working with a divorce coach or mediator may also be available if you truly cannot come to an agreement. These types of alternative proceedings are faster than going to court in most cases, but also depend on your ability to actually come to an agreement. Mediation is a voluntary process by which a third party helps you, your spouse and your attorneys to resolve issues through better communication. The mediator won't decide things for you and will not make a ruling on any issues, but working with a mediator may still makes it easier to come to an agreement since you'll have an expert acting as a sort of referee during negotiations.
Your Best Option
Your best option for a Florida quick divorce is always going to be to simply work things out with just you, your spouse and your attorneys. No matter what, though, keeping the divorce out of the litigation stage is the single most essential thing to getting a Florida quick divorce. Make sure you talk to your attorney and let him know that a fast divorce is a top priority, and be fair in coming up with a divorce settlement to have the best possible chance of ending your marriage with a minimum of time and stress.