SEO is an abbreviation of search engine optimization. It is a recently introduced concept which is making its grounds at a fast pace. Te concept of SEO is used for making your website ranked highest in the search engines' organic results from the others. The organic results is the list of websites that appears on the left column that when a person enters a search inquiry. It is believed that higher the rank of your website the more traffic your website is likely to receive. Mostly the SEO practices are adopted when a new website is launched to make your website be on the top of the list of the search engines. In SEO the basic things that are done to generate more traffic is an in depth analysis of the current website is generated. The tags, keywords, descriptions, titles, and headings are addressed in the site, they ensure that the website is W3C compliant and lastly, it is ensured that the website is registered with search engines and directories.
Some of the ways that people use to increase their traffic is write the content and just a word in the body of the material. This idea works a lot to increase the traffic because when people will write the word on the search engine, all the websites having that word would appear on the list and thus there is a chance of increased visibility of the site. The disadvantage of this way is that people write the low quality material and publish it on their website. This at first might increase the visibility of the website and generate traffic but when people will get the irrelevant material or low quality material, they would ultimately avoid visiting that website, hence with time the traffic flow would decrease and the site would lose popularity and would start getting lower in the rank list. This disadvantage aside SEO also offers different advantages to the people who use it for their websites.
The biggest advantage is that SEO does the job of promoting the website throughout the day for the entire year without having the owner to do anything. Moreover, the SEO also increases exposure of the website as it allows all the users to view the website if the keyword they are searching is relevant to the material present on the slide, along with all this SEO is also capable of marketing the site internationally throughout the world without much problem, however, for this to happen the site need to have some specific number of minimum hits. Coming towards the basic SEO working knowledge; the SEO works on a specific algorithm that is when a keyword is searched then the SEO crawls to different sites to see that whether that Keyword is used on that site, and if yes then the website is presented to the user otherwise the site is ignored and the next site is then checked. This is basically how the SEO works.