About MLM and network marketing:
Multi-level marketing (MLM) and network marketing are a marketing strategy in which the "sales power (People)" is remunerated not only for sales which they personally generates, but also for the sales of others that they employee. This is done by generating a down line of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple level of reward. Network marketing and MLM are a practice of marketing that utilizes independent representatives to reach potential customers that a company otherwise would not reach with customary online or offline marketing methods.
With a whole new segment of "sales power" available, MLM and network marketing company's boosted unimaginably and enabled many of us to live a life we all sought off. Many companies' swooped the market and revolutionized how people invested and made that extra bit of money. However, MLM companies have been a frequent subject of criticism. Criticism, which is mainly focused on the similarity to illegal pyramid schemes, price-fixing of products, high initial start-up costs, stress on recruitment of lower-tiered sales people over actual sales, encouraging purchasing and using the company's products. One realizes potential manipulation of personal relationships which are used as new sales and recruiting targets, promotion of Scam and Fraud tags, complex and sometimes overstated compensation schemes, and cult-like techniques which some groups use to enhance their members' enthusiasm and devotion. With such many serious acquisitions on the MLM and network marketing industry, there are many genuine direct selling companies which are affected by the aforementioned criticisms so one needs to research well about any company before they join it.
There are many trustworthy and reliable MLM marketing companies present today in the market. Qnet Ltd is one of them. Qnet is a worldwide wellness and lifestyle company that has been about since 1998. What sets it apart from other direct selling companies is their e-commerce model and high-quality merchandises made to enrich customers' lives. Moreover, it offers a business opportunity to entrepreneurs looking to start their own business, whether for additional or sole income. Besides all the positives boosted by the company there are many people now a days that have come up with reports claiming Qnet Scam.
About Qnet Ltd:
Qnet, through its global trade and also through its localized establishments, is a member of various industry bodies, such as the Direct Selling Association Singapore (DSAS), the Direct Selling Association Malaysia (DSAM) and the Business Ethics Institute of Malaysia (BEIM). The company is also vigorously involved in the industry through either partnerships with, or attendance at, professional events such as the Network Marketing Mastermind Event held in the U.S., the Consumer Association of Singapore (CASE), the Dubai Direct Selling Festival, and the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA) World Conference.
In an industry that is often misinterpreted due to the lack of a legal structure in certain nations, Qnet make every effort to be transparent and makes sure business dealings are legitimate at all times. The Qnet website is clear and transparent about how the business operation works and what it offers. It states that the most important aspect of running the business for its independent representatives is professional marketing. In fact, all representatives are required to sign a contract to uphold ethical marketing standards. The Qnet code of ethics, as well as policies and procedures, are publicly available. The company also has its own advisory board, comprising a team of legal and direct selling professionals, to ensure professional marketing guidelines are met.
Qnet business can be very lucrative for those who work diligently and honestly towards their goal. However for those who decline to stand by professional marketing guidelines, the result is often disappointment. This can lead to defamatory claims against the company, such as creating buzz about Qnet scam.